Masonry & Stone Systems
Dimensional stone is a natural stone or rock that has been selected and fabricated to a specific size or shape. In selecting stone; color, texture, pattern and surface finish are important considerations. Another important selection criterion is durability: the time measure of the ability of dimension stone to endure and to maintain its essential and distinctive characteristics of strength, resistance to decay, and appearance.
Concrete isn’t just about functionality, it’s also about aesthetics and design appeal. With this in mind, architects, designers, and builders consistently turn to Sun Valley for assistance with design analysis, constructability reviews and alternative finish solutions.
From preconstruction through construction, you’ll find that Sun Valley has some of the most knowledgeable and talented employees in foundations, slab on grade, structural, cast in place and tilt panel concrete construction.
Sun Valley’s decades of experience along with expert masons, and the use of the latest masonry technology helps us ensure the highest quality work on any residential project. We have the ability to work on any type of elevation from flat lots to the most challenging of grade changes on hillside lots. We have extensive experience with all types of CMU, whether it be structural or exposed, and have many projects that utilize slump block.